
Quick Guide on how to leave the comfort zone at work

One of the most common problems today is to fall into the monotony of daily routine, which takes us to repeat a pattern in both our personal and work life. Right there, it is where, for comfort, we seek to be protected and protected, under the wing of our comfort zone.
Apathy and boredom can end up affecting us if we repeat, again and again, the same habits and behaviors at work. Therefore, accepting that we have settled, that we are afraid of making mistakes, what they will say or what is unknown, are some of the reasons that lead us to take refuge in that safe and manageable place.

We could define the comfort zone as the behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk.

Labor demotivation

The lack of objectives within the company, can make us feel stuck, and even lost. When the routine becomes chronic, demotivation leads us to neglect, neglect and frustration. We can confuse reluctance with fatigue and lack of ambition. And all this becomes a barrier that prevents us from moving forward and becoming the outstanding professional we want to become.
For this, it is essential to identify our blockages, those that make us deactivated, bored and without illusion. That abulia that, given the lack of expectations and possibilities for improvement, prevents us from reaching new professional goals. Knowing these limitations in advance will predispose us to change, to take advantage of our strengths and overcome our weaknesses.

How to get out of your comfort zone at work?

First of all, we have to be aware that to evolve we must be consistent with our actions and not obsess with moving away from the comfort zone, since it can be a slow, gradual and long-running process.

The first step is to imagine what goals we want to achieve and set ourselves goals, whether simple or complex, and set a date for their achievement. For this we must make specific decisions, which can range from something as simple as changing our attitude, betting on healthy habits, modifying the daily itinerary to go from home to the office or making a change in the decoration of the office until requesting a change of position.

To achieve our goals, we will have to risk. The challenges involve making decisions with some degree of insecurity and it is impossible to take a step having a certainty that everything will be fine. For this reason, it is essential that the advantages that this changes in the routine will give us are valued, since the most important thing is to work on what we like… and not always getting out of that comfort is the best option.

Seeking improvement continuously, enthusiastically and willingly is another way to get away from laziness and immobility. It is essential that we assimilate new things every day and that we propose new challenges to foster our concerns as professionals. Deepening knowledge about a specific area through training courses, learning a language or studying another career can be good options to get out of the comfort zone at work. This way we will acquire new competences while we reconcile work and training.

In this sense, practicing networking and attending conferences of our business sector, in addition to being informed, will serve to meet people and establish future partnerships. Promoting the professional use of social networks, positioning our personal brand, and sharing quality information are other options for change. Also, writing our own professional blog and positioning ourselves as experts in our subject, will force us to constantly update knowledge, while creating a community of followers.

Another key to getting out of the comfort zone at work is to adopt a proactive attitude to contribute our ideas at meetings, avoiding at all times adopting a role of invisibility and silence. The purpose is that our opinions are taken into account, to keep us dynamic, active and always alert.

External motivation

Likewise, external motivation can be sought through a company leader. And, today, getting people out of their comfort zone is becoming one of the pillars of these professionals who skillfully manage their knowledge to help their employees develop new talents.


In short, taking a step forward and getting out of the comfort zone will make us take charge of our lives and be open to new experiences. Making our own decisions and taking risks will make us feel satisfied for having fought for what we want. And next to this, we will grow as human being and we will be able to go further in our professional career.