In this testimonial, Sebastián tells us about his journey and the steps he took when applying through PHRS to work in the Middle East. From the initial application process to settling into life and work in Dubai, he offers valuable insights into how PHRS helped him...
Job interviews
How to prepare to job interviews
Hotels and places
in the Middle East
The process, uprooting,
and others
Another articles and notes
Tips for a Successful Interview
We're sharing some TIPS to ensure your interviews with our team go smoothly and bring you closer to that coveted job opportunity you've been dreaming of. BEFORE THE INTERVIEW: Check your email daily. We might have the response to your CV waiting for you. Schedule a...
How to prepare for an interview?
The different types of interviews you could face are endless, ranging from conversations lasting a few minutes, to multiple rounds of formal meetings. Getting properly prepared for an interview will give you the confidence to approach these conversations in a way that...
How to Successfully Prepare for a Job Interview – PART 2
8 Tips to Prepare for Your Virtual Interview: Information is power. Before the interview, it's necessary to review your CV, practice how you'll introduce yourself, and research the organization you want to join. Beyond the job requirements, it's always helpful to know...
How to be successfully prepared for a job interview – Part 1
The interview is, in most cases, the defining stage of the personnel selection process. That's why it's so important to shine at this moment and make your profile stand out from the rest. Having an interview in another language shouldn't be a problem if you've had...
Todo lo que tenés que saber antes de viajar a trabajar a Qatar
Qatar es un país contemporáneo y con visión de futuro, pero mantiene su herencia muy cerca ycuando se trata de tradiciones, costumbres y cultura, hay ciertas etiquetas que aún se siguen hastael día de hoy. A continuación, te contaremos algunos tips sobre lo que se...
How to be ready for an English Interview?
The interview is, in most cases, the defining moment of the personnel selection process. That's why it's so important to shine at this moment and make your profile stand out from the rest. Having an interview in another language shouldn't be a problem if you've had...
10 Tips for building your CV
Having a CV or resume with a solid structure is essential when seeking employment—a summary of your work and professional life that represents the first impression you'll give to the recruiter and/or your potential employer. We're sharing a couple of tips to keep in...
14 Exciting hotel openings in the Middle East 2022
From Dubai to Doha, big things are coming to the region's five-star hotel scene For a long time, Dubai has dominated the Middle East hotel scene when it comes to big hitting openings. And while the emirate’s slew of soon-to-open properties remain incredibly exciting...
13,000 new hotel rooms planned in Qatar
Qatar’s hotel market is set to grow rapidly in the coming years, especially in the luxury segment. Currently, there are 46 hotel schemes with 12,999 rooms in Qatar’s pipeline. Year-by-year breakdown of Qatari hotel projects In the remainder of 2021, 22 launches are...
Hay mas de 185.000 habitaciones en desarrollo en Medio Oriente.
En todo Medio Oriente hay 631 proyectos hoteleros con 185.366 habitaciones en marcha, según nuestros datos. Analizamos los principales mercados en crecimiento de la región. Aperturas de hoteles en Medio Oriente por año En el segundo semestre de 2021, se pondrán en...
Qatar on track for 22 new hotels by the end of 2021
Qatar is on track to open 22 new hotels by the end of 2021. The launches equal 5,546 new rooms entering the market. A further 17 hotels are expected to be completed by next year. Research conducted by TopHotelsProyects found that are 46 hotels and 12,999 rooms...