Job Interviews

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How to Successfully Prepare for a Job Interview – PART 2

8 Tips to Prepare for Your Virtual Interview:

Information is power. Before the interview, it’s necessary to review your CV, practice how you’ll introduce yourself, and research the organization you want to join. Beyond the job requirements, it’s always helpful to know the company’s values and goals, evaluate its work niche, and the type of clients it has.

Preparation. While virtual interviews have made our dress code more flexible (we inevitably become more comfortable), when presenting ourselves to a future employer, the image we portray is as important as if it were in person. The choice of colors, accessories, posture, and gestures speak about our personality, and we should try to make them compatible with what we want to offer. Also, don’t forget about the visible objects: your workspace should always look tidy.

Time on our side. To promote our calmness during the interview, we can connect the device half an hour in advance, test the platform through which the interaction will take place, and check our technological resources (headphones, speakers, camera, etc.). It’s also useful to take a few moments before starting to practice deep breathing, speak in a calm and steady tone, choose your words carefully, and never interrupt the interviewer.

Don’t forget the goal. Beyond the interview being a test, where we compete against other applicants, we must not forget that, fundamentally, it’s also an opportunity for the company to get to know us and for us to learn more about it. As applicants, we should express our enthusiasm for the tasks that the position would involve, as well as the willingness to learn, but also demonstrate interest in knowing more about what could be our future workplace. Don’t hesitate to ask questions!

Clarity and confidence. If the position is for you, you’ll know how to demonstrate it. Following the previous tips and being prepared for the occasion, the rest is out of your hands, it will come naturally. Try to express clearly and sincerely the reasons why you think you’re suitable and would like to fill that position, and have confidence in your abilities.

Always ask questions. Towards the end of the conversation, the interviewer usually leaves room for questions, and most candidates dismiss it. This is a serious mistake! However clear the interviewer has been, there are always unresolved issues, and actively showing interest in knowing more about the company can be crucial for hiring. We recommend having a couple of questions in mind, such as: What will be the most challenging tasks of my position? What tools will I be able to acquire with this experience?

Gratitude and closure. At the end of the virtual interview with the recruiters, you should say goodbye by thanking them for the opportunity and for the time they took to evaluate your profile. Being polite helps you connect with other people and allows you to create an atmosphere of trust and closeness.

Practice your English. Whether it’s your first time interviewing in English or if you’ve done it before, we recommend reading texts that give you appropriate vocabulary to describe the aspects you want to focus on; pay attention to the interviewer’s questions, and if there’s something you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask for it to be reformulated or said more slowly. Practice your presentation as many times as necessary. It doesn’t hurt to ask for help from someone close who speaks English to ask you questions and review your grammar and pronunciation.

The PHRS team wishes you a very successful interview!

Don’t miss part 3 with tips related to the most common vacancies in hospitality.

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